High Frequency Compute
High Frequency Compute
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NVMe High Frequency Compute

NVMe High Frequency Compute!

Do you need a good start to place your bloggers, startups, or business sites? Our NVME cloud server is more Secure, fast, reliable, cheap, and best cloud hosting for your blogs and your business. You can make use of our hosting to run a small personal website, email, Blog or ecommerce portal, or even a busy forum.

We are glad to offer the best and most recent product in the list of our cloud lineup – high frequency compute. It is powered by a blazing NVME storage and a 3+ GHz processor. This current plan is the first time hardware architecture offered by vultr that is of the level of performance. The High Frequency compute powers the most challenging workloads with storage and processing benchmarks more than the standard compute by up to 40%!

Most Popular Plans:

SSD Cloud

Get your business before the world. We offer you the best high freequency cloud server for your business and at the same time we strive to make our offers no-brainers.


Starting from

  • 2 GB

  • 1 CPU

  • 64 GB

  • 2 TB BW


Starting from

  • 4 GB

  • 2 CPU

  • 128 GB

  • 3 TB BW


Starting from

  • 8 GB

  • 3 CPU

  • 256 GB

  • 4 TB BW


Starting from

  • 16 GB

  • 4 CPU

  • 384 GB

  • 5 TB BW


Starting from

  • 32 GB

  • 8 CPU

  • 512 GB

  • 6 TB BW


  • Flexible Networking
  • Infinite OS combinations
  • Anti-DDoS Protection
  • Worldwide Datacenter
  • High performance architecture
  • 100% Pure SSD Drive
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • 20+ App Installation

Cloud Hosting Features

Don’t be left out of the latest features. Enjoy all our SSD Cloud Hosting plans that includes the following and offer you the best tech service in Bangladesh.

Solid-state drives

Solid-state drives is a new generation of storage device used in computers.Blazing fast read/write speeds on solid-state disk hardware.

100% Intel cores

In barkhosting, we make use the latest generation Intel CPUs, So it will guarantee consistent performance.

Fast Secure Servers

Without being told, we know how impotant it is for you to keep your data safe and secure. Our shared servers are protected by firewall.

Root Administrator Access

ull "root" access and a dedicated IP address with all VMs inclusive. We provide you with full control of your server

DDoS Protection

Barkhosting provides you with Continuous monitoring for uptime, DDoS attack detection, malware scanning, SSL support

Private networking

Bark Hosting allows you to establish isolated regional private networks for your applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NVMe? What is a Cloud Server? What is NVMe Cloud hosting?
The major benefit NVMe cloud hosting provides a lot of features and brings more visitors to your website. It plays a major role when it comes to driving traffic in a unified pool of server environments. The most important feature of the NVMe is the fact that it’s faster than the popularly known HDD, and at the same time, requires less energy as compared to another mechanical hard disk.
how Secure is a Cloud Server?
Cloud hosting three mirrored copies of your data across multiple devices to ensure safety and redundancy automatically distributes. Additionally, Bark Hosting employs several security measures to protect servers and customers' websites. The datacenters at your disposal are built using top-of-the-line technology, and our servers are monitored 24/7 in a highly secure environment.
When Do Charges for additional Resources Get Billed for My Cloud Server?
There are many types of billing systems that can cover the use of additional resources in a cloud hosting environment. Cloud hosting offers usage-based billing and is, therefore, a highly sought-after service model. Users need to closely monitor their resource consumption because there can be instances that demand additional provisioning resources in case of traffic spikes and so forth. Users can enable resource alerts, third-party management tools, or automated resource management control to streamline the billing process. Cloud hosting providers usually add the billing amount for the extra resource utilization at the end of the billing cycle. We ensure that users are offered billing alerts for controlling the costs of cloud resources related to storage and computing instances. It is recommended to pay in advance to cover your minimum expected resource utilization. Hosting providers usually calculate the extra utilization of the resources and invoice the user at the end of the monthly billing cycle.
How Does a Cloud Server Compare Against a Dedicated Server?
SSD Cloud Server

Get Excellent SSD Cloud Server

For packages starting from 550 TK/mo

100% Faster

NVMe Solid State Local Storage

NVMe increases throughput over traditional SSD's. With local NVMe storage you can get the most out of your high clock speed instances by matching local storage performance with the increased throughput of higher clock speed cores

By deploying Supermicro NVMe, customers can benefit from reduced latency, increased Input/Output operations per second (IOPS), and lower power consumption. This means that customers' Supermicro solutions can perform more work in less time, translating into lower costs and increased revenues. Thus the ROI benefits for customers from NVMe enabled Supermicro servers is immediate and substantial.Supports standard NVMe drivers.

Bark Hosting NVMe Solid State Server
barkhosting networking connectivity

Fast 3GHz+ CPUs

High frequency compute is powered by the fastest architecture available in the Vultr product lineup. All plans include 3+ GHz processors designed to power applications that require the fastest possible single-core performance.

barkhosting networking connectivity
Blazing Fast Benchmarks

Geekbench testing reveals up to a 40% gain per vCPU over our current standard compute plans. CPU processing, memory speed, and storage throughput deliver significant increases across the board.

barkhosting online Support
Free Bsd
Linux OS
Flexible Operating System Choices

Sign up the new instance with the operating system you love the most in just a few seconds. The Vultr's Cloud Block Storage technology allows you to mouth high-performance, scalable storage to your instance, and make more flexible and significant space management. The storage is highly redundant, available and backed by SSD for superior performance. The Vultr's Cloud Block Storage Technology gives you the freedom to mount high-performance, scalable storage to your instance, making space management significantly more flexible. This storage is highly available, redundant, and SSD backed for superior performance.

Free Bsd
Linux OS
Install Our Apps

Launch your popular game and application server using our high-performance cloud servers with just one click. The Vultr's Cloud Block Storage Technology gives you the freedom to mount high-performance, scalable storage to your instance, making space management significantly more flexible. This storage is highly available, redundant, and SSD backed for superior performance. Now you can run your apps and games on a high end and High performing server.

cPanel Icon
Wordpress Icon
Magento Icon
Drupal Icon
Docker Icon
More Apps
Bark Hosting cPanel WHM Logo
Web-based Firewall Solution

Bark Hosting offers a web-based firewall solution that can be enabled to protect one or more compute instances. Having a firewall ruleset in place for your servers is an important security measure as it prevents unnecessary exposure of application services to the internet.

Bark Hosting Firewall is stateful - if you initiate a connection from your instance, response traffic is accepted without requiring an explicit inbound rule. You do not have to setup separate rules for ephemeral ports.

Bark Hosting cPanel WHM Logo
Instant Deployment Worldwide

Bark Compute is available in 15 locations worldwide, spanning North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. And best of all, getting your hosting infrastructure closer to your customer base does not require any long term contracts. So, what are you waiting for? Deploy servers on four continents with just a few clicks!

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